When I got in this morning I noticed that Mozilla had announced a Thunderbird 1.0.1 Release Candidate. While I was quite happy in the pre-1.0 days to help out with bug hunting (I can probably claim credit for identifying a number of problems with importing mail from Eudora’s arcane mailbox format, though I wasn’t the one who fixed them), I figured I’d pass on this and wait a few days for the final release.

A few minutes ago, this important notice popped up:

0 New Messages

Maybe I should try out that release candidate after all…

While trying out the latest Opera 7.60 preview, I ran into a couple of of weird CSS bugs. It turns out they’ve both been around a while—one since 7.5 and one since 7.2. And they’re both related to problems with li:first-line.

In CSS, :first-line lets you apply style to (not surprisingly) the first line of an element. So if you say something like li:first-line {color: red} you should see the first line of every list element turn red. It’s got fairly wide support at this point—even IE 5.5 can handle it—but it seems some bugs crept into Opera 7.

The first one I noticed was fairly simple: If you have something in the form:

  <li><a href="somewhere">Link</a></li>
<p>More text<p>

…and you apply style to li:first-line, then the underlining for the link continues to the end of the page. Here’s an example of case 1.

Then there’s the really weird one. Continue reading