The Dragon's Cry

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You think it over for a moment, ignoring the silver woman's presence:

First of all, I don't know where I'm at, where I was or where me and this silver lady are going. I mean, I know where I was, just not in the sense that I knew what I was doing there. I'm hoping I'll wake up any moment now, with nothing but this bump on my head to prove reality.

You continue in your stance, postulating on the chase that has just played itself before you, and you continue to think in silence for a moment longer:

I don't need to play a hero on this journey for any reason. It's the world right now, that owes me an explanation ...

If the silver chick is not concerned, I'm not going to be either, and as far as I can tell, I still don't know what's going on.

Now what?

Contributed by Michael Marquez

Things to consider while writing in this branch

  1. Silvera spoke of another. Who?
  2. Who are the Children of the Ring?
  3. Who was the little girl, and why was the soldier chasing her?
  4. What part does Shadow play in this?
  5. What was the connection between Silvera and Shree's father?
  6. Remember that Shree doesn't know Silvera's name or background yet.
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Last modified March 3, 2003