

Desktop browser for the small internet, including the Gemini protocol, Gopher and Finger. Cross-platform, as long as you’re comfortable using build tools: I’ve gotten it running on Linux (BSDs should work about the same) and macOS, and it’s supposed to run on Windows and Haiku as well.

Uses Qt instead of a custom UI kit like Lagrange does, so it’s a little faster and blends in a bit better with each environment. Supports bookmarks and client certificates, but doesn’t seem to handle subscriptions. Lagrange offers more capabilities as well as a more appealing design.

Hasn’t been updated in a few years - but then again, the Gemini protocol itself is pretty simple to begin with!

You can turn on HTTP(S) support and it’ll let you view a stripped-down version of the web - basically what you’d see in Gemini, plus inline links. I wouldn’t call it a web browser, but it’s convenient when you just need to follow one web link from a Gemini or Gopher page.

More info at Kristall.