I’ve been getting a lot of what Katie calls “concrete spam” (i.e. junk mail) from charities over the last few months. Eventually I’ll track down who sold my address. But this was an interesting one because they seem to think I’ve gone back to college:


What, did my evil psychic twin get a doctorate over the Internet?

I’ll have to look for this on other mailers and see if anyone else thinks I’m a professor. That may help track down one source.

Screenshot of the PHP RSS news feed:

News Archive: December 31, 1969

Wow, when they said “archive,” they really meant it! 🙂

While SharpReader is the best aggregator I’ve tried for Windows, it does have problems with dates from time to time — sometimes articles will be stamped with the time they were downloaded instead of the time they were posted.

And I suspect in this case, it’s missing a date. (In UNIX, and as a result across most of the Internet, time is measured in seconds since GMT midnight January 1, 1970. If you somehow end up with a time of -1, this is what you get.)

This is from an ad for Comcast cable-modem service that arrived in today’s mail. I almost threw it out, but then I noticed something very odd about the middle picture on the front:

Picture of an iMac silhouette running Internet Explorer

Now it may not be obvious at this resolution, so how about a closer look at the corners:

Close-up of screen corners showing IE toolbar and window border

Wow – that’s the first time I’ve seen Windows XP running on an iMac!

I guess with Comcast you have to fire up VirtualPC just to run Internet Explorer. 😉