Chrome Articles
- Keep Your System Updated! Most drive-by computer infections use old vulnerabilities for which patches are already available.
- KeePass Password Managers KeePassXC, its browser extension, and KeePass2Android are a nice, clean set of apps to manage your passwords on your OWN desktop and mobile devices, auto-fill websites and apps, and sync over your own server or cloud provider.
- Reverse the Colors when Viewing a Web Page Not as good as a real dark mode, but you can easily reverse the colors on any website you're viewing, turning light pages dark and dark pages light.
- Tell (most) Linux Web Browsers to open Gemini links with your favorite client Most Linux web browsers will open unfamiliar URL schemes with XDG, which will look for .desktop files for the applications that can open it.
- Using Bookmarklets on Android You can't use menus for bookmarklets, but you *can* use auto-complete.