Is the Xcode Updater Stuck?Watching install.log will show you whether the Xcode updater is still doing something or not.
Keep Your System Updated!Most drive-by computer infections use old vulnerabilities for which patches are already available.
KeePass Password ManagersKeePassXC, its browser extension, and KeePass2Android are a nice, clean set of apps to manage your passwords on your OWN desktop and mobile devices, auto-fill websites and apps, and sync over your own server or cloud provider.
Move Your iTunes Library from Mac to WindowsIn theory it's easy, but you have to deal with a different folder structure, illegal characters, and then wiping and resyncing your iPod.
Remove GPS Tags After Taking a PhotoGoogle Photos won't remove GPS data from an image, but you can easily remove just the location data using a desktop or laptop.
Running Mac Software on Linux: Good LuckOut of curiosity I went looking to see if there are any macOS compatibility layers for Linux these days. There isn't much.