Cloning a GitHub Repo via Mobile FirefoxEven on a tablet with a big enough screen that GitHub looks like it's showing the desktop version, you might have to insist on it to get all the buttons to appear.
Don’t Hide Version NumbersIt breaks user expectations with no real benefit, and makes it hard to tell if you've *actually* gotten the latest security fix.
Incremental Updates and the Problem of N+2It's one thing to provide an updater that goes from version N to version N+1. But what if someone doesn't run the updater until N+2 is available? Or worse, N+3?
Is the Xcode Updater Stuck?Watching install.log will show you whether the Xcode updater is still doing something or not.
Java/Groovy Overloading and Null ParametersWhen you overload a Java method to accept different types of parameters, it can't always determine which to call when one of the inputs is null. Here's a hacky workaround.
Java: Annotate Your OverridesAlways use the Override annotation when you’re overriding a method, so the compiler will TELL you that you made a typo.
Reusable PHPPlease, when developing your plugins, be sure to always use the full opening tag for PHP instead of just <?
Separate Stop/Reload ButtonsWhen a button changes in response to something over which you have no control, it may change between the time your brain tells your finger to click or tap and the time it registers.
Tell Me What Changed!When you release a new version of your software, tell me what's new!
Update Checks Should Be More HonestSoftware updaters have a bad habit of telling you they're up-to-date before actually checking - and worse, telling you they've just confirmed it's current when they actually couldn't get an answer.
Variables vs. AutocorrectAvoid naming a variable one letter off from a real word. Autocorrect can really mess up your documentation or email.
WordPress Plugin: Combined ReadmeYou can use a instead of a readme.txt so the same file works for both the plugin directory and your git repository.