Well, WordPress just released version 2.2 with a bunch of new stuff. I’ve upgraded the blog, and things seem to work so far — even on PHP5! They also included my workaround for the RPC bug in PHP 5.2.2.

I also upgraded the comments preview plugin, which now uses the actual post+comment page to show you the preview instead of showing a page that’s almost the same, but sorted in reverse.

At some point I need to test current versions of WP-Cache again, and see if WordPress’ internal cache works with PHP5 yet. And maybe it’s time to try a new theme. I’ve been tweaking this one pretty much since WP 2.0 came out.

6 thoughts on “Upgrading again: WordPress 2.2

  1. Kelson… what could possibly be causing xmlrpc.php to return a blank white page instead of the message about “accepting posts on this server”?

  2. No idea. Best guess, it’s a syntax error in the file. Maybe the fix for PHP 5.2.2 breaks in older versions or something?

    I’d suggest taking this to the support forums. Be sure to mention (a) which version of WordPress you’re running, (b) which version of PHP is installed on your server, (c) what has changed since RPC last worked. Also, if you have access to error logs, mention any PHP errors that you get at the same time as hitting the file.

    Incidentally, the exact wording is, “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” In this case, “POST” refers to one of several connection methods used by web-aware applications. It’s saying that the RPC part of WordPress will only accept that type of connection. Normal web page requests, and some forms, are handled using the GET method. POST is also frequently used on website forms.

  3. The odd thing is…… it works with an older install of 2.07. But….. if I take the older install, copy it to another dir and reinstall it fresh……. the new install of 2.07 gives me a blank white page. Same thing with 2.13. I have a current running blog that is 2.13….I can auto post to it remotely, and when I hit xmlrpc it gives me the message “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” But when I try to do a new install of 2.13 it then gives me a blank page again.

    So I dont know what is going on….could it be something on my centos server? But why is it working on an older untouched install…… and not on a new fresh install?

    I’m lost.

  4. Variables sent with http POST are not shown in the URL, and there is no limit of the variable length. This “Leave a Reply” form i am now completing is an example of a POST form. It is defined like this:

    form action="http://www.hyperborea.org/journal/2007/05/wp-22/#comment-23000" method="post" id="commentform"

    On the other hand, variables sent with the GET method are shown in the URL and the maximum character limit for each variable is 100. An example of a GET URL with variable is:


    I’ve found the official WordPress update guide harder to follow so i decided to write a guide with images on how to upgrade to WordPress 2.2 that shoould help beginners.

  5. So do you plan on being an early adopter of WordPress 2.5? I haven’t tried the Beta yet but there appear to be a lot of cool new features. My only concern is that it is a big shift so some of my tried and true plugins may break.

  6. Actually, I made the jump two days ago. A few minor hiccups, but the biggest problem wasn’t even a plug-in, it was a script I’d written to pull the most recent 5 posts and display them on another section of my site. I think I’d written it for WordPress 1.2 or something that ancient.

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