I finally recovered enough from the flu to get out for a walk in the neighborhood (while that’s still an option). More people were out than I expected, but they were all either solo or in small groups, keeping their distance.
And it really helped my stress levels. I didn’t even go very far, just around a few blocks and a section of the bike path. I feel a lot better than I did this morning. And I figured sharing some of the photos might help someone reading this!
I’m not sure what this bird is (possibly a goldfinch, feel free to chime in on iNat if you know more!), but while I would have liked a clear shot, the photo with it hiding its face is actually more interesting!
This male house finch’s feathers were such a bright and deep red that I actually thought it was a different kind of bird until I looked more closely at the photos.
And this crow seems like it’s showing us all how to do social distancing!