No soliciting of zombies is allowed. And definitely no soliciting by zombies!
(This was on the entrance to SF/mystery independent bookstore Mysterious Galaxy back when they had a second location up in the LA area.)
No soliciting of zombies is allowed. And definitely no soliciting by zombies!
(This was on the entrance to SF/mystery independent bookstore Mysterious Galaxy back when they had a second location up in the LA area.)
“Did you say Hello?”
“No, I said Hallo, but that’s close enough.”
Appropriately, the kiddo was wearing his Darth Vader shirt.
I saw this sign in a coffee shop the other day. Honestly, the misspelling of Dr. Seuss’ name is more painful than the misspelling of nonsense, which you could at least look at as a stylistic choice.
I figured it was only kind to blot out the name of the shop at the lower left.
Typical of an outlet store. SARS is soooo last decade.
I really don’t think they need to worry about anyone hunting, fishing or trapping here.
There are squirrels in the neighborhood, but I don’t think this would be the best spot to trap them.
So what exactly is a “coastal modern” parking structure and why is it so great? Even this press release doesn’t shed much light on it, only saying that the renovations include “upgraded” entryways and elevators and spaces-available signs. I suppose that’s modern, but I’m really not sure where “coastal” comes in.