On our trip to Carmel last month we passed by Casa de Fruta, once a simple roadside fruit stand, now a huge complex of stores and restaurants, all with names like Casa de Coffee, Casa de Wine, even Casa de Motel. They even have a mini-railroad for kids, called, naturally, Casa de Choo-Choo.

Of course, we immediately thought of Choo-Choo Bear, the amorphous kitty from Something Positive

Casa de Choo-Choo (slightly modified)

Listening to Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot at work just feels like it should be illegal. That and Weird Al and stuff from the Cardcaptor Sakura soundtrack CD. And, now that I think about it, posting this message.

Just thought I’d share.

I guess it’s just the “HP and the A of B” pattern, combined with the new movie coming out, but I’d like to see titles like:

But let’s stay away from titles like: