“Please sign this petition about X!”
“OK, I care about X, what’s the petition actually say?”
“It’s about X!”
“Right, but what’s the actual wording? Am I putting my name on supporting a specific action? ‘Cause I’d support some actions but not others.”
“It’s telling them to do something about X!”
“Yeah, I got that. What is it telling them to do?”
“Solve X!”
“Just look for solutions?”
“No, it’s telling them what we want them to do about X.”
“Which is…?”
“Fix it!”
“Sorry, but I’m not signing my name to a blank letter.”
“Why don’t you care about X?”
*sigh* *delete*
I’m totally willing to sign petitions when I can see the actual wording and it’s something I agree with.
But if the petition website doesn’t say what they’re actually delivering? I don’t want to put my name on something that might be advocating what that I consider to be a bad solution, even if I agree on the problem.