I want to know who broke that streak.
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The strict shuttle arrives exactly every 17.5 minutes
The strict shuttle arrives exactly every 17.5 minutes.
<img src="https://hyperborea.org/journal/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/triangle-trap.jpg" alt="Stick figure trapped in a yellow triangle, hands pressing against the edges, one wide eye visible and a mouth open farther than possible like the whole head is ready to open like a hinge.
Oh, and a warning not to climb into the washer or dryer." width="612" height="612" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-84017" />
I love the expression on this warning sign on a laundromat washing machine.
Easter Already?
Just a few days after Valentine’s, even the Easter Bunny is disgusted at how early the decorations and store products go up. (What happened to St. Patrick’s Day, anyway?)
Slight problem with the ice cube tray