I wonder if Lucasfilm will try to assert trademark over the Motorola/Verizon Droid?
Tag: Tweets
One Letter Off Movies
Another Twitter meme: come up with movie titles just one letter off from the original, tagged #oneletteroffmovies. I posted these on my other account on Friday.
- New Dork Stories
- Annie Get Your Gum
- Fight Clue
- There should be an Oz sequel called All About Ev.
- Reaching a bit, but Key D’argo (Farscape)
- Ok, I keep coming up with movie titles for and finding that someone else has already done them. Time for bed I think.
- Okay, one more. There are those who call it…The Land Before Tim.
Sci-Fi Remakes
There was a meme running through Twitter today to come up with movie titles for #scifiremakes. Here are my contributions.
- Shaka Sulu
- Schindler’s Arcology
- Obi-Wan Hur
- Droids on the Side
- Shuttlecraft 54, Where Are You?
Oh noes! A computer environment (Android) designed for smartphones isn’t a good fit for a netbook? Stop the presses!
This fog is so bright, you’ve got to wear shades.
Weird: I had to wear sunglasses while driving through fog. The layer was just thin enough to produce major glare from the sun without dimming it.
Star Wars Holiday: So Bad It’s Worse
Books on Nooks
With Barnes & Noble’s new eBook reader, you could read a Nook book in a book nook.