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Getting Flash to work on Google Chrome for 64-bit Linux

NOTE: This article is out of date and likely obsolete.

I tried out the Chrome beta for Linux on two different computers yesterday. On the first one, Flash worked right “out of the box.” On the second, it wouldn’t even show up in about:plugins. I couldn’t figure out what was different.

  • Both are 64-bit systems running Fedora 12.
  • Both are running the 32-bit version of Flash from Adobe’s yum repository.
  • Both are running the 64-bit version of Google Chrome from the beta download page.
  • I had run mozilla-plugin-config -i to create the 64-bit wrapper on both computers after updating Flash. (A security update came out yesterday.)
  • Flash works just fine in 64-bit Firefox and Opera.

I looked thoroughly at my home computer last night and came up empty. This morning I took another look at my work computer — the one where Flash actually showed up — and I think I’ve found it.

Chrome is using according to about:plugins. The actual file is in /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/. This system has two symbolic links to that file, one in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and one in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/. Only one of these was present on my home computer.

So I think this will fix it:

ln -s /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/ \

Run the command as root or using sudo.

I’ll check back tonight and update this entry to show whether it worked.

Update: Yes, it worked!



To do this manually you can just copy the flash plugin to /opt/google/chrome/plugins (you may have to make that directory).

I copied the 64 bit linux flash player from the adobe site (updated 12/08/09) and it is found by chrome although it is not stable.

I should try the 32 bit wrapped one to see if there’s a big difference in stability.


Interesting. I’d seen references to that directory when I searched online, but since there didn’t seem to be one on my system, I figured it was a difference between the alphas and the beta.