@font-face Crashes Firefox on Fedora 11 (Obsolete)
Until Fedora updated one of its libraries, Firefox on Fedora 11 would crash on any website that uses an embedded font.
Cloning a GitHub Repo via Mobile FirefoxEven on a tablet with a big enough screen that GitHub looks like it's showing the desktop version, you might have to insist on it to get all the buttons to appear.
Don’t Hide Version NumbersIt breaks user expectations with no real benefit, and makes it hard to tell if you've *actually* gotten the latest security fix.
Keep Your System Updated!Most drive-by computer infections use old vulnerabilities for which patches are already available.
KeePass Password ManagersKeePassXC, its browser extension, and KeePass2Android are a nice, clean set of apps to manage your passwords on your OWN desktop and mobile devices, auto-fill websites and apps, and sync over your own server or cloud provider.
On Broken HTMLFrom time to time the idea is put forth that less common browsers need to start dealing with bad code. There are two problems with that view.
Pure CSS ButtonsAs part of a minor site optimizing kick, I replaced the validation labels with something smaller, less obtrusive, and directly on the page. I tried to duplicate the look of the classic antipixel-style buttons in CSS.
Reverse the Colors when Viewing a Web PageNot as good as a real dark mode, but you can easily reverse the colors on any website you're viewing, turning light pages dark and dark pages light.
Simple Browser Categorization (Obsolete)
Sometimes you want to know exactly what software people (or bots) are using to view your website. Sometimes all you want to know is which rendering engine's quirks you need to cater to.
Web Design is Like PizzaA lot of pages aren't as specific as the authors think they are. When you write code and test it on only one browser, you're not testing that the code is correct, you're testing that *that browser* makes the same assumptions you do.
Webslices and Microsummaries (Obsolete)
Both features have since been removed, but they offered and interesting way to let visitors know when a site had been updated.