In hopes of bringing in some more readers, I signed up with BlogExplosion yesterday. I’ve spent some time last night and tonight surfing through their system, and I’ve seen some interesting blogs, some boring blogs, and some infuriating blogs. (Politics… why did it have to be politics…)

If you’re coming here through BlogExplosion, feel free to skim for 30 seconds or explore as much as you want. This is the group-blog of a twentysomething married couple in California who enjoy computers, sci-fi and fantasy, and comics (OK, one of us likes comics). Each of us has other, non-blog stuff online as well.

Enjoy your visit!

5 thoughts on “Welcome, BlogExplosion Visitors

  1. Welcome to BE. You will probably find that most visitors just stay for the 30 secs – just surfing for credits. But I have attracted some regular readers as well as finding some blogs I check in on everyday.

  2. Imagine this ๐Ÿ™‚ Did not even find your blog via BE (but am a member myself). I too have received one or two “regular” readers myself. But I find that 99.9% of the people are just surfing for credits.

    Managed to find about 20 blogs that I now read everyday thanks to BE.

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