• You pour yourself orange juice, then very carefully put the carton back…in the cupboard.
  • You walk into the lunch room for coffee, but forget to bring your mug.
  • You momentarily forget how to make coffee.
  • You set up the coffee maker, but leave out a critical step like positioning the coffee pot.
  • You get the coffee, then forget to drink it.
  • You pour yourself a bowl of Wheat Thins.
  • You try to slice fruit into your cereal, but you do it over the sink instead of your bowl.
  • You pour yourself coffee, then immediately wash your mug and head for work.

Feel free to add to the list in the comments!

One thought on “You know you need coffee when…

  1. You realize that your full coffee cup sat at your desk more than 24 hours.

    This happens to me at mostly at the office. I sometimes forget that I made coffee. Wow! I never thought I needed coffee. hahaha… Nice post (and comments too!).


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