Don’t have time to go to Starbucks, but want something more than plain coffee? Here are some simple drinks you can make with ingredients that might be in your lunch room, or that you can easily keep at your desk.
Coffee + hot chocolate mix = mocha
Coffee + hot chocolate mix + cinnamon
Hot chocolate mix + mint-flavored black tea
Hot chocolate mix + cinnamon-flavored black tea
Hot chocolate mix + masala chai tea
Since I realized that this was more of a list of what you can do with hot chocolate mix, I’ve been meaning to fill in more detail for…well, months now. Apparently today is National Coffee Break Day, so I figured rather than letting it sit in the drafts folder forever, I’d post what I had in observance!
My favorite these days is the office chai:
Honey + half and half or milk + chai black tea bag + hot water. Delicious afternoon break drink.
Oh, yeah! I haven’t made that one in a while – I should pick up a new box the next time I’m at the grocery store.