Book cover featuring a sketch of a room inside a spaceship.I stumbled on “Crusade: What the Hell Happened? vol.1” (released last August) while packing, and wondered what happened to book 2. Apparently I’m not the only one wondering that, because it turns out that the website just posted an update last week, saying:

Volume 2 is still a work-in-progress. We will send out a news alert the moment it is released.

Now there’s timing!

3 thoughts on “What the Hell Happened To Crusade: What the Hell Happened?

  1. Mid-2017 and nothing’s happened since. I’d guess part of the delay was related to JMS’ failing eyesight over the past decade, and now that he’s decided to switch career paths post-surgery, it’s probably not much of a priority.

  2. Now 2022, a decade later, B5Books has sent out an email explaining: The series was initially put on hold to avoid conflicting with efforts to publish JMS’ autobiography. When he ended up writing extensively about Crusade in that book, he decided that writing commentary for the “What the Hell Happened” series would be redundant, and they’ve finally cancelled the project.

    So the series about how Crusade barely got off the ground before being cancelled…barely got off the ground before being cancelled.

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