Some sites I’ve linked to on Twitter, Facebook & Google+ over the past few weeks.
- Girl Genius interview with Phil Foglio. Three more prose novels on their way, and Vol. 12 of the webcomic/graphic novels will “conclude the first half of the Girl Genius storyline,” after which the characters will start to travel beyond eastern Europa.
- The Flash on a Segway at Comic-Con
Neat Stuff
- Band recreates Prisoner opening shot for shot
- Carmageddon: Trio holds “dinner party” on empty 405
- Aurora Australis seen from space
Online Security
- “The problem isn’t that people are idiots…The problem is that the OS trusts random USB sticks.” Schneier on Security: Yet Another “People Plug in Strange USB Sticks” Story (via slashdot)
- Should you change your password? Naked Security explains why. See if you're already compromised: Should I Change My Password?
- The Robustness Principle Reconsidered (via I remember a lot of discussions on this during my spamfighting days.
- I saw a massive surge in blogspam to my sites around the same time as this Spam Surge against Social Networks. I’m not convinced they’re related, but it certainly seems suspicious.
- Blacklist Monitor: Spam block lists, rated for both spam caught and false positive rates.
Social Media
- Is blogging dead? “Those links that appear on Twitter or Facebook rather than on linkblogs — to what are they linking?” (via, IIRC)
- xkcd explains Google+
Other Tech
- Los Angeles Coldusion UserGroup – Monthly meetings with tech talks on topics related to ColdFusion development. Next up is a talk on BlazeDS.
- 30 Creative 404 Error Pages (via Slashdot)
- Things to consider before a redesign: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Will Confuse Your Users (via
- WordPress’ perspective on software usability: The Software is Wrong, Not the People (via
- Akamai’s State of the Internet report – Asia still fastest, new source of attack traffic emerges
- How to filter on the List-Id header in various clients…even Outlook. Useful if you still follow email mailing lists