Category: Humor
Everything Clear?
I think someone’s confused about the concept of step-by-step directions. (Not to mention the definition of “above.”)
(Originally posted on Facebook and Google+)
Headline: Radioactive Tuna Reach U.S. Shores
I swear this sounds like the setup for the kind of 50s B sci-fi movie that would have found a home on Mystery Science Theater 3000. Or possibly a SyFy Original Movie.
Of course, in the real world, the tuna are less likely to grow wings and fly around the beach, killing surfers and bikini-clad sunbathers before they make their way inland, knocking down the Hollywood sign on their way to the intense battle with the US Army in and around Downtown Los Angeles.
Home WHAT!?
License plate spotted on a Jaguar: AKITTEN.
A Goo Place to Shop
In case you need more goo for your home…
(I wonder if they have another store for Office Goo.)
Car Trek
License plate spotted today: