Favorite techie license plate spotted lately:
Favorite techie license plate spotted lately:
Just a few miles away from Incredible Cafe.
I wonder if they have a rivalry of sorts?
And I can’t help but imagine a third competing restaurant called Incredibly Fantastic Cafe…and another called Fantastically Incredible Cafe…
For the record: I ate there and had a grilled ham & cheese sandwich with seasoned fries, and it was good enough but nothing special. The place gave me the impression that someone had bought a Carl’s Jr. and turned it into something more like a Denny’s. Fantastic Cafe (not Incredible Cafe) appears to be a local chain in the South Bay area.
I wonder if we should call Stargate SG1 about this?
(Trying to dry out the carpet after the plumbing leak soaked it.)
I spotted this sign after cresting a hill and laughed so hard I knew I had to turn around and come back to take a picture.
I saw a license plate today that read,
I was a little surprised, but then I saw the “Made in Hawaii” plate holder and realized they were talking about the lunch meat.
I’m shocked — SHOCKED that Kevin Spacey is playing a “psycho” in a new movie. I mean, who would have expected that?
Today, I watched Green Lantern at the same theater where we’ve been watching a series of special screenings of the extended-edition Lord of the Rings movies. Afterward, thinking about the two ring-focused stories and the in-progress event comic book Flashpoint, I found myself imagining: What would The Lord of the Rings have been like as a modern “event” comic book like Final Crisis or Blackest Night?
No doubt it would have tie-ins, side stories, spinoffs, and a bunch of extra tie-ins added to plug the inevitable gaps in the schedule. Check out my full list at Speed Force!