“Weird Al” Yankovic posted a picture of a disturbing sign on a hiking trail:

Let me guess: Magritte designed this building.
I never thought I’d see Tori Amos show up in a Marvel Comics comedy video starring M.O.D.O.K. — or that when someone started singing Christmas songs, it would be the Hulk.
From the M.O.D.O.K. Holiday Special.
I saw a car this morning with the license plate “ZU SHNL.” It took me a minute to realize it was “zu schnell” – German for “Too fast!” (It was a Mazda.)
Two emails in a row: “Time’s running out…” and “Tim is now following you on Twitter.” Misread the first as “Tim’s running out…”
Yow! “Perfectly Relaxing Songs” don’t work so well when the volume changes drastically between one song and the next.