I don’t think they really need the guide to all those different types of melons right now.
Category: Entertainment
Boom Today
Downloaded MCEdit so the 8YO can edit Minecraft worlds. He used it to fill ten entire chunks with TNT…then lit one of the edges. The chain reaction has been going for at least ten minutes, punctuated by periods of major lag.
At the grocery store. TODAY.
The 2018 Social Network Experience
Twitter is like a train crashing into a burning dumpster, and the railroad owner won’t let firefighters in because they’re doing such a brisk business selling marshmallows.
Facebook is like a large family gathering where you can’t quite get away from your racist uncle/in-law’s soapboxing, and the TV keeps interrupting with commercials for things related to your conversations.
Tumblr is the weird coffee shop you used to hang out in but you’ve outgrown. You stop by occasionally for old times sake, but now it’s been bought out by a national chain and homogenized.
Mastodon is like a small party: not as many people as Facebook or Twitter, but you can actually hear each other talk.
Instagram is like checking out your friends’ vacation photos, but after a while you start noticing all the product placement.
Of course, all of them have people who will Judge You because You’re Doing It Wrong.
This space intentionally left…
Recursive Crap
Not sure if I’m more appalled by the idea of smiling plastic poop that poops smiling candy poop, or amused by the shelf placement.
This is the most snow LAX ever sees!
Seriously, it hasn’t snowed in the Los Angeles basin since 1962. We get snow in the mountains most years. And the San Fernando Valley apparently got a snowstorm in 1989. But the coast? Basically never.