I put the Pushing Daisies soundtrack CD in my computer and it rebooted. Fortunately it took less than a minute….

Of course I tried it again to see if it was a fluke. Same thing. Then I decided to try with another CD. Apparently any audio CD crashes it. Shows how often I use CDs these days.

At least the DVD-RW drive works. IIRC it doesn’t have CD-audio hooked up, but the player seems perfectly happy to just read it digitally.

I guess I’ll have to set aside some time on Sunday to figure out what’s causing the problem. It’s a bit late tonight, and tomorrow’s going to be busy!

Last night while waiting in line for Sherlock Holmes, I saw a guy walk away from the box office, stop, and say, dripping with indignation, “Is this the line for the f***ing movie?!” (There was, of course, a sign saying “Sherlock Holmes 7:20.”)

Somehow, everyone in our group managed to resist the temptation to respond immediately with “No shit, Sherlock.”

Walking into Best Buy wearing a bright blue shirt. On Christmas Eve, no less. This could get interesting. 😯

As it turned out, it didn’t. Either people weren’t quite so desperate and panicked as they often are that close to Christmas, and paid more attention, or the shirt has faded past the point of confusion. In the past, I have had people walk up to me and ask questions about pricing, where to find things, etc.

  • Got a compliment on good tech support 🙂 … but it was intended for another company with a similar name. 🙁
  • I alternate between finding it amusing & annoying that I get spam for local businesses in Brazil. It’s a bit of a drive from SoCal.
  • It’s sad to get Christmas cards for someone who used to live at your address. We’ve gotten two this year, but none last year. Maybe last year’s were still forwarded, and the forwarding order expired.

Gee, that was “fun.” It’s not every day you get to dodge living room furniture on the freeway at 65 MPH.

To clarify: It was an easy chair, sitting in the middle of the road. The pickup in front of me slammed on its brakes to avoid it. I slowed down and tried to move into the next lane — around the car that was pacing me — so that I didn’t end up getting plowed into by the giant truck behind me. (It takes a long time for those things to stop!)