Recent Links: Netflix/Qwikster Edition
By now you’ve heard that Netflix is splitting in two. Here are links to several funny (and a couple of serious) takes on the situation.
By now you’ve heard that Netflix is splitting in two. Here are links to several funny (and a couple of serious) takes on the situation.
Dairy farms get together to raise prices, putting the squeeze on your local grocery store. The local store raises their prices to cover their higher costs. People blame the grocery store. Then the grocery store responds by spinning off a separate store. One store will only sell milk in cardboard cartons and cheese. The other […]
Goo Goo Dolls and Lady Gaga should (but won’t) play a double bill. But there must be a food court with a Burger King and a Dairy Queen next to each other.
You can argue that vegan or vegetarian substitutes for meat and dairy are more ethical or healthier. But please don’t claim that they’re more natural.