Pushing Daisies had a satisfying don’t-call-it-an-ending. Looking forward to the comics.
Tag: Tweets
Pandemic Question
Why didn’t WHO declare A(H1N1) flu to be a phase 6 pandemic several weeks ago when it first met the published criteria?
Why, the NERV!
Spam from “Gendo Ikari” selling lava lamps. The mind boggles.
Edit: I guess that orange goo in the finale wasn’t Tang after all.
Planning for 90s Nostalgia
One day, someone will take a collection of popular songs from the 1990s and turn it into a nostalgia musical.
Update July 2016: I was wondering if this had happened yet. I suppose you could count “American Idiot,” but apparently the album was intended to tell a story, so it’s not quite the same as someone stringing together the hits of ABBA or whoever.
It turns out someone put together a Spice Girls–inspired musical in 2012. It was not well-reviewed and didn’t last very long.
BOB This Way!
Sign taped to light pole: “BOB →”
Goodbye Ed and the :-) Key
Pair of spam subjects: “Say goodbye to ED” and “A person is missing!” Well, yeah, after Ed left…
Just noticed the android virtual keyboard has a key for 🙂 when typing text messages.
Coyote in the Office Park
Walking across an empty lot, listening to “Gold Dust,” just saw a coyote sauntering across the lot.