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Using Plasma Discover on GNOME in Fedora

Iā€™m running GNOME on my Linux desktop these days, and GNOME Software works well enough for finding packages in Fedoraā€™s repository and on Flathub. I like KDEā€™s Discover app too, but I donā€™t want to install a full copy of KDE Plasma.

So I installed Discover. (I could have used Software for this, but it turns out it would have run into the same problem.)

sudo dnf install plasma-discover

And it seemed to work at firstā€¦but I couldnā€™t look at the details of anything. I ran it from the command line and got this error:

file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/PageRow.qml:914: Error: Error while loading page: qrc:/qml/ApplicationPage.qml:15 module ā€œorg.kde.purposeā€ is not installed

There are a zillion rpms with ā€œpurposeā€ in the description, and none with ā€œkde-purpose,ā€ but after a fruitless web search for the error (hereā€™s hoping this page gets picked up soon), I went back to the list and just looked through them. I found the module in the ā€œkf5-purposeā€ package.

Itā€™s a library, so itā€™s not visible in either desktop app, but itā€™s a single command in a terminal.

sudo dnf install kf5-purpose

Update: Fedora 40 ships with Plasma 6, but still has the same issue, just with the QT6 packages now.

file:///usr/lib64/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/PageRow.qml:1078: Error: Error while loading page: qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/discover/qml/ApplicationPage.qml:17 module ā€œorg.kde.purposeā€ is not installed

And while adding kf6-purpose fixes that issue, thereā€™s still another blocking Discover from showing application info:

qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/discover/qml/ReviewsPage.qml:15 module ā€œorg.kde.kitemmodelsā€ is not installed

I also have to install kf6-kitemmodels now:

sudo dnf install kf6-purpose kf6-kitemmodels

Done! Now I can run Discover on Gnome if I want to!

Hereā€™s the bug report I filed on the issue. It got auto-closed because nobody looked at it for two full releases, and I had to reopen it to report that yes, the RPM dependencies are still broken on Fedora 40, and theyā€™re actually broken more than they used to be.