Flash seen through fear toxin.
As a member of the Justice Society of America, the Flash fought in the war against Per Degaton years ago. He also helped the JSA train several of the modern-age heroes, including Batman and Black Canary. (“The Golden Age of Justice,” 2010)
The Flash remains active despite his age. The first time he appeared on the show, he was helping Batman fight the Scarecrow and Scream Queen. The Scarecrow had altered all the pumpkins in Gotham City to release his fear toxin when heated, making every jack-o-lantern in the city “a ticking time bomb.” The Flash rounded up all the pumpkins and fought Scream Queen, while Batman tackled the Scarecrow and his minions. (“Trials of the Demon,” 2009)
- Flash and Batman - Publicity image via Comics Continuum
- Fear Flash - Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode: “Trials of the Demon”
TV Appearances
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode: “Trials of the Demon” Teaser (Season 1; March 20, 2009)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode: “The Fate of Equinox!” (Season 1; August 8, 2009/Australia)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode: “The Golden Age of Justice” (Season 2; January 15, 2010)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode: “The Power of Shazam” Teaser (Season 2; April 2, 2010)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode: “Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster!” (Teaser; Season 2; May 29, 2010/Australia)
“Trials of the Demon” may be the first time Jay Garrick has appeared in animation, though The Streak of the Justice Guild (in the Justice League episode, “Legends”) was clearly based on him.
Another Flash, probably Barry Allen, appeared in the background in the teaser for “Sidekicks Assemble.”
Jay appears alongside Barry Allen and Wally West (as Kid Flash) in the Flash-centric episode, “Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster.”
Thanks to SpeedsterSite for identifying the voice actor. Thanks to hugo for pointing me to the minor appearances in “The Fate of Equinox!” and “The Power of Shazam”