I am now the proud owner of a Mozilla Coffee Mug!

Coffee mug with Mozilla Coffee logo

When I went to order a new batch of Mozilla Coffee, I saw that RJ Tarpley’s is now offering mugs with their logo. Something about it just screamed “Buy me! Buy me!” – something in the combination of “Mozilla” and the lizard’s expression as he holds up his coffee mug, all of it appearing on a coffee mug…

(Ironically, I’m posting this using Konqueror.)

3 thoughts on “Mugzilla

  1. Are you still drinking coffee from your Mozilla Mug? I still have about 6 dozen left over from the program…needless to say, I use them everyday!

  2. Usually, it’s me who ends up with it, since I finish my coffee before leaving for work and Kelson takes his along in a travel mug. But it’s most certainly in the rotation.

  3. I wish I could have run the Coffee program for Mozilla longer, but it was a lot of work. If the roaster could fulfill orders (they wholesale only) then the program could essentially run on its own. I spent many late nights in the garage packing coffee.
    Let me know if your mug ever breaks…..I will have a replacement on the way!

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