There was a little snow on Mt. Saddleback on Sunday, but not much worth mentioning. Sometime early Tuesday morning, though, a freak storm seems to have hit the mountain… and only the mountain. We certainly didn’t get any rain down here in the flatlands.

At 8:20, the mountains were still shrouded in clouds:

Mt. Saddleback and hills shrouded in cloud.

By 9:00, the clouds were starting to burn off, leaving behind a coat of snow, not just on Santiago and Modjeska peaks (still behind clouds), but on the lower peaks to the northwest.

Mt. Saddleback topped with cloud, the peaks next to it covered in snow.

By noon, most of the snow had melted. There’s still some in the shadowed crevices.

Mt. Saddleback with just a little snow remaining.

UPDATE DECEMBER 19, 2008: This post is getting a lot of traffic today, but it’s from last winter. If you want to see photos from this week’s snow, check out my Snowline photoset on Flickr

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