5 thoughts on “Hot and Cold

  1. Switched to long-sleeved shirts & started wearing sweaters this week. And now it’s supposed to break 90 DEGREES today and all weekend. WTF?

    Werd, man. F’kin’ werd. My kitchen floor feels comfortable to my bare feet in mid-November.

    Seriously, this does upset me. I expect to bust out my sweaters, turtlenecks and slubby socks without turning back. This feels like the unseasonably warm March crap. Guess this is global warming giving us the big hello. Rather have the polite pose of complete ignorance with the frostbitten nose of 12 years ago (in south Oceanside, 1/4 mi. from the coastline).

  2. Yeah, we’ve been alternating between weeks where it’s mostly 40 degrees and weeks where it’s mostly 60. Nynaeve and Elayne need to get their !#@%ing act together.

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