I use navigation on my Android phone to pick out the best route to work each morning. The problem is, it bases time estimates on traffic conditions now — not traffic conditions as they’ll be when I get to each point along the route. I’ve gotten used to the morning drive taking at least 15 minutes* longer and the evening drive taking around 10 minutes less than predicted, but a little more precision would be helpful.
Obviously, Google isn’t psychic. They can’t predict where and when car crashes will happen. But they do have historical traffic data. If you go to Google Maps on the web and display traffic, you can switch between live data and an average for a given time and day of the week.
It would be fantastic if Google used that data to predict how much slower (or faster) traffic will be moving at each point along each projected route, and use that for the time estimates. It would be nice for the "Are we there yet?" factor, but it would be incredibly useful for route planning!
*Sometimes more. This morning, it predicted a 55-minute trip. It took me an hour and 35 minutes.
According to reports like
google maps has or had traffic prediction capability, but cannot seem to find it in my google maps interface now. Anyone know where/how to access it?
Found it! In the lower left of the map there is a small legend saying “Live traffic change”, where “change” is a link that allows you to access the options for predicting future traffic.
Yes, they’ve had the data available on maps for years. What I think they should do is start feeding it into the navigation system.