Sure, it’s been done before, but this is the first I’d seen this meme in the wild.
For the record, I didn’t have any pie, but I did have an awesome Belgian waffle drenched in blackberries.
We found this salsa at the market last night (and not on clearance, either). I guess the season of pumpkin-spice everything isn’t quite over yet.
I love the contrast between the two reviews. Apparently this is a very versatile park.
Someone had fun with this sign. Several someones, I suspect.
At first it seemed oddly specific. Why have a restroom for just ME?
A hand-painted N fixed it…until someone else scraped off the remaining letters. Now it just says N… Continue reading
Surely this is an unbiased opinion.
Really, they couldn’t just say “STAIRS TO LEVEL 2”…?
Though as my friend Wayne pointed out, it’s not even accurate. The stairs aren’t vertical, they’re diagonal!