I have to wonder, were people ignoring the Caution sign until they scrawled “for you” on it?
Edit: I also can’t help but think of Something Positive’s emo catgirl drawing.
I have to wonder, were people ignoring the Caution sign until they scrawled “for you” on it?
Edit: I also can’t help but think of Something Positive’s emo catgirl drawing.
Ah, the truth about home improvement!
I don’t know why, but there’s something comedic about the design of this sign.
Found last week while walking to the parking lot after Evita.
Another discovery at the mall on Saturday: “The Essence of Adventure.” I honestly cannot figure out what the target audience is for this. I mean, a Hummer fragrance? Does it make you smell like you’ve been driving in mud all day? Is it a bottle of engine oil? Is it supposed to give you that new car smell? Is it supposed to increase your chances of getting—uh, never mind.
Seriously, who came up with this idea? And are we likely to see Jeep cologne next? Maybe BMW or Mercedes fragrances for the more sophisticated market?
We had some free time before seeing Serenity again on Saturday, so we wandered into Hot Topic. (Katie finds T-shirts there from time to time, and it’s always interesting to just look at the slogans you wouldn’t think of actually wearing.) Well, they’ve had a line of Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise for a while, so of course they’ve added a line of Corpse Bride tie-ins. Including this:
OK, I understand the movie-tie-in-on-a-blanket concept. I had Empire Strikes Back sheets when I was a kid. And I understand that they’re targeting the goth audience. But somehow, as much as I liked the movie, the words “corpse” and “comfort” don’t fit together in my mind!
Here’s an interesting storefront window:
Just what kind of food would vikings serve? Mead, I suppose. Probably with “roaring fires, malt beer, [and] red meat off the bone!”
For a movie theater with only four screens, they seem to be going for themes lately. How else would they end up pairing up these two? Corpse Bride, Just Like Heaven.
(I passed the sign the night before, and it was pairing up The 40 Year Old Virgin with Just Like Heaven—another combination that’s just slightly wrong.)