A screen capture from Minecraft Earth’s journal. Apparently Mojang hired Anakin Skywalker to write the captions for block descriptions.
Category: Signs of the Times
Street (TIE) Fighters
I always think these markings look like TIE Fighters.
Not a “Brand New Invention”
Now that Pumpkin Spice Season is back, I finally remembered to post this photo from last winter of — of all places — Wienerschnitzel, best known for its focus on hot dogs — plugging its pumpkin spice offerings.
Or rather, “Pumpkin spice, spice, baby.” 🙄
Oddly enough, what I find most weird about the picture right now is the bright blue sky. I can’t wait for the end of wildfire season. (Oh wait, it’s year-round now. I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next gap between fires.)
Boxed Up
I’m sure it’s just a delivery, but it looks like they’ve wrapped the entire store in bubble wrap to ship it somewhere.
Could You Be a Bit More Specific?
I found this photo on my phone from sometime last year, back when you could still go to self-serve frozen yogurt/ice cream places. The label is…well…TBH it’s accurate, if a bit vague…
When the birds hit the street looking for food to eat…
Of course my 2000th observation posted to iNaturalist would be the Goodfeathers!