The way the Palantir network compromises Saruman and Denethor shows the danger in who controls the algorithm that manages your newsfeed.

Pippin picks it up, starts doomscrolling, and can’t put it down. Literally.

Aragorn plans out his post, gets on just long enough to make his point, and gets the hell out, knowing he’s made an impression.

imported from mastodon

I’ve been meaning to post this Kangaskhan at Gengis Khan Mongolian barbecue since… September? I forget exactly. Yeah, it’s a mall food court, so it’s definitely the Before Times. And it looks like the older Pokemon Go camera mode.

As for the Wynaut at ‘Y’ Not, that was a little more recent, on the way back from one of those rare outings to someplace farther away than the grocery store. But I had to stop for it.