…or a plea for donations.
Category: Politics
Red Alert for Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality ensures your cable company can’t pick winners and losers from the sites you visit and services you use online. It was a guiding principle of the net until ISPs tried to violate it. After a long effort, the FCC stepped in and made the principle a legal requirement in the US.
The new FCC is rolling it all back, which helps no one except Comcast, AT&T, etc. Congress can stop it. The big ISPs are trying to present it as big government vs. business in order to make it partisan.
It’s not government vs. business. It’s everyone vs. your cable company.
Net Neutrality helps you, your business, your friends, your political organization, the people who make your favorite shows, games and books, literally everyone except the big ISPs. (And possibly entrenched players with deep pockets who would cheerfully let ISPs stifle any start-ups that might threaten them with *gasp* competition.)
The Senate is voting soon on a resolution to undo the FCC’s rollback and keep net neutrality alive. But those big ISPs have convinced most of the GOP senators that they’re the only side that matters. We need to convince them otherwise. Right now we need one more vote in the Senate to pass the CRA, and then we can move on to the House.
Contact your lawmakers today at Battle for the Net!
Dishing it out
It’s odd how some people will sling insults, threats and violence day in, day out (or support those who do), but the moment someone offers even a fraction of it in return, they call foul.
Sadly, a lot of people have convinced themselves that freedom consists mainly in the “freedom” to treat others like crap without fear of retaliation or consequence.
Logging the Call
Whenever I call more than one senator/representative/etc. office as part of a call-in campaign, it’s interesting to see what the staffers want in order to log the call.
- Some want my name & full address.
- Some want my name & zip code.
- Some just want my zip code.
- Some don’t ask for anything further.
- Some interrupt me five words in to say “The senator already supports that bill.”
(You can tell when they’ve gotten a lot of calls on an issue.)
Not Too Soon
“Too soon” is meaningless when something happens on a more-than-weekly basis.
It’s not too soon to talk about it. It’s past time.
Sure, real solutions will be complex and incomplete. But we solve nothing if we block research and refuse to discuss the issue.