I saw a car this morning with the license plate “ZU SHNL.” It took me a minute to realize it was “zu schnell” – German for “Too fast!” (It was a Mazda.)
Tag: Tweets
- Got a compliment on good tech support 🙂 … but it was intended for another company with a similar name. 🙁
- I alternate between finding it amusing & annoying that I get spam for local businesses in Brazil. It’s a bit of a drive from SoCal.
- It’s sad to get Christmas cards for someone who used to live at your address. We’ve gotten two this year, but none last year. Maybe last year’s were still forwarded, and the forwarding order expired.
Card Usability
Usability question: Is it better for a form to auto-detect the credit card type from its number, or have the user select it as an error check?
(Consensus on Twitter and Facebook was to have the user select it.)
Twitter is…
Twitter is never having to say TL;DR
Found a bottle of cinnamon in the lunch room and added it to coffee and a hot chocolate packet for a makeshift Mayan mocha.