I’ve been writing a lot about the Golden-Age Flash lately. What with picking up the Comics Cavalcade Archives and discovering the imminent release of the second GA Flash Archives, I’ve gotten more interested in the era. Back when I was filling in my Silver-Age Flash collection (a process that took years!) I would occasionally look at the GA auctions on eBay, but figured they would be too expensive and never bid on any. Last week I decided to look again, picked an amount I’d be willing to spend, and bid on three auctions, figuring I’d be lucky if I won even one of them.
I won two.
So now I’m in the market for reader’s copies of Golden-Age Flash comics. There are a few in particular I’d like to pick up, though I suspect they’ll be the hardest to find in my budget. If you happen to have a reader’s copy of one of the following that you would be willing to sell at a two-digit price or trade for other comics, please let me know in the comments here. Continue reading