As I was about to get into the car after lunch, I spotted a full-circle halo around the sun.

Sun Halo (Feb 16, 2006, lamppost in center)

I’m fairly certain it’s a 22º halo based on the size. It would have a 44º diameter, and I worked out the camera has a viewing angle of about 58º at its widest setting.

I took some photos with the good camera when I got back to work, but (believe it or not) I don’t have a USB cable here, so I’ll have to wait until tonight to pick one out and post it.

Here’s the photo I initially took with my cell phone. I grabbed the good camera when I got back to work and took a few more photos, including the one I posted above. I couldn’t transfer the photos over until I got home, so I posted this one to start with.

Halo around the sun (Feb 16, 2006)

Edit: It’s not as good a shot, obviously, but it shows something that wasn’t there when I took the follow-up picture: part of a circumscribed halo outside the circle, touching it at the top.

4 thoughts on “Halo 360

  1. […] Next up is from this past Monday, October 23. I was driving up the 405 after work and noticed that there were some feathery clouds in the right area, so I started looking for sundogs. Normally I don’t find anything. It’s Southern California, after all, so the right conditions are relatively rare. (Though occasionally I see something spectacular like the full halo I caught in February.) […]

  2. We just experienced 22 degree rainbow halo around the sun today in the Southcrest section of San Diego at about 12:30 this afternoon pacific time. It is now 2:52 and you could still faintly see it! What an amazing sight. I teach at an elementary school and the kids were all amazed by it. They actually thought aliens or an asteroid was coming to earth.

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