A broken ventilation system in a Swiss chocolate factory led to cocoa powder raining (or snowing, if you prefer) down on nearby towns.

The company says one car was lightly, and possibly deliciously, coated. It has offered to pay for any cleaning needed but hasn’t yet been taken up on the offer. — AP

I’ve got to say, I’d prefer a light dusting of cocoa to the wildfire smoke we’ve got around here.

Infections are still high, but the LA/CA case-fatality rate has dropped since spring. Partly we’re spotting more of the mild cases, and younger people are a bigger percentage of cases now.

But also we’ve learned more about how to treat it:

  • dexamethasone for patients on oxygen
  • remdesivir shortens recovery time
  • nasal oxygen turns out to be enough for many patients who would’ve been intubated
  • we know about the clotting so we can jump on anti-coagulants

(Note that a certain high-profile Twitter user’s favorite covid drug treatment isn’t on that list because it doesn’t actually work on covid.)

It’s Pokemon Go Fest this weekend, and with a global pandemic going on, the normally travel-based event has gone virtual, with in-game events both free and paid. And, amusingly, downloadable papercrafts and stand-ups to print out.

The kiddo wanted to make a stand-up of Spark, the leader of Team Instinct. And we had the cardboard for it.

We actually managed to get out to a park and do a Dialga raid. We sort of went somewhere!

Cardboard stand-up of Spark, a human character from Pokemon, in front of a tree, with a lightning/bird-like Pokemon superimposed over the image.