Category: Humor
Voit! (Egad!)
I’ve never understood the tendency to write in all-caps except for the letter L, the one letter whose lower case looks exactly like another letter’s upper-case. But it’s surprisingly common.
Fortunately I don’t think anyone’s going to pull a “Cancel that, it says HELF” on this warning sign!
But does it have electrolytes?
Found on a case of bottled water whose marketers really hope you don’t understand how pH works.*
I bet when you heat it up, it goes beyond hot, and actually speeds up its molecular motion!
*You make water alkaline by adding OH– ions.
Some dudes just really like potatoes, you know?
Some dudes just really like potatoes, you know?
Groot, Guardian of the Internet
Groot reminds us that Net Neutrality is critical to internet freedom, and we should call Congress TODAY, before Thursday’s FCC vote to eliminate the only thing preventing your cable or phone company from blocking competition, burying news they don’t like, and shaking down startups.
Unless you trust your cable company to have your best interests at heart, head over to Battle for the Net and get Congress to remind the FCC that they work for you, not Verizon and Comcast.
Amazing what Groot can fit into just three words, isn’t it? 😉