Time to introduce a new feature! I’ve been having a lot of muse attacks lately, and darn it, I can’t wait until I have a finished product to put some stuff up for feedback. I can always read aloud to Kelson, but I’d really like more than one opinion for a change. (Not a dig at Kelson–I just like to widen my audience.) So here goes.

This is a bit from the infamous original-sequence story #6 (jeez, that sounds like a menu item). I don’t consider any of it spoilerish, but in case someone does, I’ve relegated it to the next page. Leave a comment and let me know if you think I should keep it as is, change it, or toss it.

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Someone is extremely unclear on the concept in “Study Acquits Peanuts in Allergic Reaction.” Consider:

A new study debunks the theory that peanut allergies are caused by an offending ingredient inherent in the nut. Instead, the research shows, the condition stems from a person’s abnormal immune response.

In other words, they’ve determined that peanut allergy is an allergy.

Well, duh.

At least they had the sense to provide a link to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network.