Comic-Con 2010: The Gaslamp Crush
Comic-Con turns 5th and L into a geeky parody of the Las Vegas Strip, only the cards have pictures of spaceships instead of strippers.
Comic-Con turns 5th and L into a geeky parody of the Las Vegas Strip, only the cards have pictures of spaceships instead of strippers.
A busy day of crowds, lines, costumes, DC Comics, Scott Pilgrim, bad science, twisted genres, Naomi Novik, Geoff Johns and more.
I’m not much of a pumpkin carver myself, but Katie likes to get creative. Here are some Jack-O-Lanterns she’s done, inspired by science fiction, fantasy, comics and games. From 2003… Gourdzilla! Inspired by a Grand Ave. strip earlier that week. Also, Aeryn Sun from Farscape! More about these: 2003 Halloween Madness From 2005… Puzzle Pirates’ […]
Finding the humor in spam, 140 characters at a time.
Musician Tom Smith (author of the Talk Like a Pirate Day theme song and Girl Genius’ Transylvania Polygnostic University Fight Song, and a.k.a. filkertom on LiveJournal) is in the hospital after a nasty injury, facing expensive surgery and months of hospital bills…without insurance. And of course he can’t work while he’s in the hospital. A […]
Yesterday’s article about the Flash (warning: major spoilers for this week’s DC Universe: Zero) in the New York Daily News brings up the hero’s key role in launching the Silver Age of Comics. Superheroes had fallen out of favor in the early 1950s, and comics were exploring genres like westerns, horror, romance, etc. When DC […]
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Team reports on a new IE installer release. They’ve changed a couple of defaults, updated their tutorials… and dropped the requirement for Windows Genuine Advantage validation: Because Microsoft takes its commitment to help protect the entire Windows ecosystem seriously, we’re updating the IE7 installation experience to make it available as broadly as […]