If ye be wonderin’ why this site be lookin’ strange this day, wonder no further. It be Talk Like a Pirate Day. This day o’ pirate speak is brought to ye by the Text Filter Suite of Dougal Campbell. I might be recommendin’ ye set course for the sea shanty, Voyage of the Fyrefawkes, or […]

Neither of us spent more than an hour or so on the floor on Saturday, in part out of self-defense. Comic-Con is usually the most crowded on Saturdays, though we didn’t see much difference from Friday this year. After the Flash panel, I went back to my back issue hunt. Found quite a few in […]

We found this in the gift shop when we went to the Pirates dinner show back in May. IIRC, it’s a toy/prop musket. But who comes up with these names? I mean, “Party Weapon?” By actually calling it a weapon, you’re suggesting it’s something I don’t want at a kid’s party. Well, unless I’m raising […]