A few blocks from the airport. I have no interest in the movie, but I do appreciate when advertisers make an effort to make use of a location instead of just being generic.
Tag: Imported Post
Up Late…
But I got the new printer set up on just about everything, and I bought and downloaded the latest Humble Bundle full of Java reference books, and I fixed the .htaccess on this site to force access over HTTPS.
Regarding the printer: When CUPS works, it’s more or less automatic, and stays out of the way. Perfect! When it doesn’t, it’s a freaking pain to get working.
I’m really not liking this new editor, by the way. I mean, yeah, it’s cool than you can do stuff like setting the colors for a paragraph, and setting drop caps, and all that, but for what I actually want to do, it’s overkill. And it takes forever to load the editor page if something else is downloading at the same time (like all those Java books and supplements).
Anyway, time for bed.
Modular Sidewalk
All tiles are modular (like WordPress’ new editor). Some go a bit further, like these tiles on a sidewalk corner that look like LEGO bricks.
Someone was trying to move boulders on wooden pallets for landscaping, and they seem to have been a bit much for the pallets to handle…
When Local Rules Aren’t Enough
The other day I saw an argument that things like environmental regulations should be done locally, because if we don’t rely on the federal government, a change in administration can’t just roll back protections.
Ignoring the fact that pollution doesn’t stop at the city, state or national border, I can’t help thinking of crap like this:
California Escalates Battle With Trump EPA Over ‘Clean Car’ Rules
or this:
California agrees not to enforce its net neutrality law as Justice Dept. puts lawsuit on hold
where we are doing things at the state level, but the feds are still shutting it down.
Sessions, of course, used to be really big on “states rights” when he was representing a state, but now that he’s representing the federal government…
Not a surprise, given that people who talk about “states rights” rarely (if ever) seem to care about the principle so much as whether they can use it as a tool to interfere with civil rights.
California Earthquake Alerts “Falling Into Place”
KQED reports: Pieces Finally Falling Into Place for Earthquake Warnings in California
We still can’t predict them, but data is faster than seismic waves, so we can give people away from the epicenter a few seconds of warning.
That’s enough to pull your car over, put down a scalpel, climb down from a ladder, get away from a rickety building or under a sturdy desk, etc. The tech is credited with saving lives in last fall’s Mexico City earthquake.
R2-D2 is looking extra boxy
Maybe it’s the Minecraft version? 😉
Some kind of utility box, spotted in San Diego last week.