Dostoyevsky Comics CoverWhat happens when you put 1940s Batman comics and Crime and Punishment in a blender? No, not shredded paper, but Dostoyevsky Comics starring Raskol. Hilarious parody of golden-age comic book storytelling and classic Russian literature. Though some of the commenters seem to feel it was a personal insult against Fyodor Dostoevsky and Russian culture in general.
(via The Beat)

This next one doesn’t really qualify as a classic, but here’s 88 Lines About 44 Fangirls, a filk based on “88 Lines About 44 Women.” (via Comics Worth Reading)

And moving forward in time once more, we have an answer to the question I’m sure you were all wondering about: What If Gmail Had Been Designed by Microsoft? It shows a step-by-step transformation, with a steady increase in clutter and a steady decrease in usability… sort of in the spirit of the If Microsoft packaged the iPod video. (via ***Dave)

Oh the crowds outside are frightful,
But the music’s so delightful…
’Cept for ev’ry darn place we go,
It’s “Let it Snow!” “Let it Snow!” “Let it Snow!”

Seriously. It seems like this song has somehow become the most popular Christmas song this year. I normally don’t mind it, but come on!

It doesn’t help that it’s about as likely to snow here as it is for a meteor to strike Times Square at exactly midnight on New Year’s Eve. But that’s worth its own post.

(Incidentally, the parody’s original. We made it up together in the grocery store on Sunday. Katie has more, but I can’t remember it.)

Are you troubled by ridiculous drug advertisements? Concerned that the pharaceuticals industry might be trying to unduly influence your medical care? Ask your doctor about Panexa [] today!

Aside from a great parody of those ads that list all the side effects, it really points up something that’s always bothered me about ads for prescription drugs: The person watching the commercial is generally not the person who chooses the medication.

(via News From ME)