Pulled it out of my backpack and saw that it had lost control. Not entirely. It still had some left. Or right, as the case may be.
(Yes, I did eventually find the *ahem* key to restore it.)
Pulled it out of my backpack and saw that it had lost control. Not entirely. It still had some left. Or right, as the case may be.
(Yes, I did eventually find the *ahem* key to restore it.)
Spotted at the library over the weekend.
I regret to report that as of last summer, there is just NO PHO KING WAY.
A sign spotted in front of a veterinarian’s office.
I’d always wondered about the frequency of these shuttles.
I’ve been meaning to take a picture of this restaurant ever since I saw it from the IKEA parking lot across the street. I finally did, and also finally went there for lunch. It’s pretty good. They sell T-shirts that play even more on the name.
Anyway, the next time someone tells you “There’s No Pho King Way!” you can tell them that yes, there is, in Carson, California.
Last night I noticed @BadAstronomer posting ideas for a Twitter meme, #fishpopstars. It’s pretty much what you’d expect: take a singer or band name and make a pun with the name of a fish.
Katie and I came up with these:
Some favorites from the event:
It looks like it’s still going on if you’re in the mood for fish puns.